
The Quebec Network of Democratic Schools – Le Réseau des écoles démocratiques au Québec (RÉDAQ)

Welcome to our site. We are an organisation that brings together people who are interested in education (parents, students, teachers, concerned citizens, elders etc.) and who believe in the psychological, educational, familial and social benefits of democratic schools.r-ALL_SCHOOL_MEETING_FALL2012-large570

We acknowledge that several young people accomplish their goals in the schools operated under the public educational system in Québec. However, we remain concerned by the number of students who do not successfully integrate themselves into those schools, and who often feel misunderstood under that system. We hope to promote the creation of democratic schools in order to increase the diversity of available educational models and to reach a greater number of students in Quebec (To sign up for our newsletter).

If you want to support us, you can download a copy of the support letter for our pilot democratic school, which we hope to submit to the Ministère de l’éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS). It is in a petition format, and can be returned to us and added to our growing list of supporters.