Par JS Voghel
La Paideia
Visites d’écoles démocratiques
La Paideia
Naestved Fri Skole
Roskilde Sudbury Skole
J’ai grandi dans un petit village du Bas-St-Laurent. J’ai fait la pré-maternelle à l’âge de quatre ans et, par la suite, il n’y avait qu’une petite école primaire dont les classes étaient en majorité jumelées. Au secondaire, je devais prendre l’autobus scolaire jaune qui m’amenait à la polyvalente la plus proche de chez moi. Il … [Read more…]
Un petit pas contre l’homophobie dans un cours d’actualité à Compass
Une première visite dans une école démocratique (1ère partie)
Lors de cette entrevue sur les ondes de CKUT 90.3 FM, dans le cadre de l’émission En profondeur, Joëlle Gaudreau s’est entretenue avec Claudie Mahn, mère d’origine québécoise dont les enfants, Jeremy (8 ans) et Alicia (4 ans), fréquentent une école démocratique en Allemagne. Claudie et Jeremy ont tous deux partagé leurs expériences dans cette école … [Read more…]
In this podcast, we interviewed Dorna Lange. She told us about what motivated her as a teacher to visit over 50 alternative schools, including many democratic schools, Montessori schools, Waldorf schools, Reggio Emilia schools, over the past three years on two different continents. She told us about what she learned along the way and about … [Read more…]
Can an education based on self-directed learning help teens to improve their relationship with their parents, their desire to learn and their level of happiness? Can frustration experienced in conventional schools lead to drug addiction? These are examples of topics addressed by Willow Johnson and Caleb Gray, two teens that go to Compass, a centre … [Read more…]
What does a democratic school look like when it is part of a public school board? Carol Nash, one of the co-founders of Alpha II Alternative School in Toronto, tells us all about it. (Song by Shipley Hollow) Podcast: Life at Alpha II Alternative School
The two co-founders of Compass: Centre for Self-Directed Learning in Ottawa, Abby Karos and André Morson, joined us for this podcast to talk about what it is happening in this learning centre and about the North Star model. Thanks to folk singer, Andrew Laviolette, for allowing us to play his song «Neither Can I» at … [Read more…]